Land Title Guru provides Land Title Analysis Services in and around Santa Cruz County


Documented facts clearly and concisely arranged are the results of good land title research, but facts alone are rarely sufficient to tell the whole truth of any matter involving human behavior and personal interactions, as is the case with situations involving land use and land ownership. Facts rarely speak for themselves, but instead require expert interpretation, and careful analysis with due regard to the application of real property law and customary practice.

I am knowledgeable of the principles and practices of disciplines related to my own, such as land surveying, land use planning and regulation, the conduct of real property transactions, certain aspects of law, and litigation. My learning, experience, and practiced intellect enable me to offer my clients expert analysis and interpretation of land title research, with a level of authority no one I know can match.

I can provide written reports in summary or expositional form detailing my findings and conclusions, or examining lines of reasoning applicable to contested interpretations of facts. I can also produce maps and plats of land survey data useful for graphic representation, and mathematical boundary analysis.


About is the trademark, and the world wide web domain name, of a different kind of title company. I am Jim Weller, the one and only original land title guru, and I am that different kind of title company. A third-generation land title man, I’ve had more than forty years’ practice as a professional title examiner, as a title officer, and as a title operations manager for several major title insurance companies. In independent practice since 2002, I’m putting all that experience to use every day in my work as an expert consultant, providing expertise unexcelled in real property transactions, litigation, civil proceedings, and land management.


+1 510-325-1361 (cell)