What the Land Title Guru Can Do For You
I am pre-eminent in my work as a consulting land title researcher, examiner, analyst, and expert advisor. I’m ready to put my unmatched abilities directly to work for you, and for your clients. Whether you are a landowner, a land manager, a land surveyor, a title insurer, or a real property attorney, I know what is required to accomplish the best outcomes to difficult and complex problem situations, and I can bring my proven authority to bear as virtually no other practitioner in my specialty can do.
I’m not in the business of title insurance itself, but I can help you to resolve problems with existing or proposed title insurance, transactions in escrow, marketability, land use, land development, permit processes, and otherwise.
Whether you need authoritative land title research, title reporting, title examination, document preparation, mapping of boundary descriptions, expert testimony, or expert advice in any phase of real property practice, please call me first. I promise I will never disappoint you!